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how to reclaim your strawman uk

To say that we are dismayed and disgusted by the hypocrisy, graft, greed, disloyalty, guile, deceit, necromancy, identity theft, false probate of living estates in violation of their own statutory laws and U.S. Supreme Court decisions --- Scott v. McNeal, 154 U.S. 34 (1894), conspiracy against our lawful government in contravention of the Constitutions that created and empowered these foreign subcontractors to exercise our delegated powers in the first place --- would be a complete understatement. With every birth -- cha-ching! It is a game with actors (acting on acts). Existence Of Life We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, NOT even what we think are our children. Behind the birth certificate, there is a trust bond, taken out in your name and controlled by the vatican/government/banking system. We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work --- a government to protect you and your family. When London burned, the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. Additional presumptions by which such a. may be formed were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies. In sovereign citizens' view, the government-controlled and enslaved strawman is evidenced by documents showing the person's name in all capital letters. You are the actual landlords, so any mortgage credits to be applied under any tenancy agreement has to be paid to you, not taken from you. LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON You are supposed to be self-governing. We can get it all translated into PARSE SYNTAX so the rats have no excuse. Did you know that because the Government loves us so much, they created a LEGAL FICTION (Strawman) for you when you were born? Right back where you began, as a baby. ThePropertyof anyEstatecreated through a Temporary (Testamentary)Trustmay be regarded as under Cestui Que Use by the, , even if another name or description is used to define the type of, In 1534, prior to the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Henry VIII declared the first Cestui Que Vie typeestatewith the Act of Supremecy which created theCrownEstate. This is your first clue that your estate has been seized upon and that bonds--- that is, promissory notes--- have been issued against your name. May 2019 And they've been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us. Once you reclaim your name and your proper political status you will need to notify the authorities responsible-- the Port Authority for your area (Coast Guard Commandant) and the Adjutant General (responsible for keeping and updating proper records) and the US Postmaster General. Our government, The United States of America, is fully functional. The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustwas toforma temporaryEstatefor the. If any American who is not a Federal employee reads this, this is your Notice and Warning, too. Straw Man - Artifical Person United States v: United States of America, Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Energetic Parasite Intervention Support Sessions, Alpha Omega World Development Marshall Programme. You can also get an idea of how this whole strawman concept came about via this link. British Territorial United States Citizen The 1779 Naturalization Act This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because youre dead. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. While the private secret trusts of the private central banks cannot be directly addressed, they are still formed on certain presumptions of law including claimedownershipof the name, thebody, themindand soul of infants, men and women. Now you know that that weird procession involved a "Sealing Ceremony" in which they hoped to consecrate their spellbinding --- also known as fraud -- against the American States and People and most of the rest of the world, too. When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship. It's a long article and I don't want to be bombarded with questions of "How do I..?" We daily struggle with all that is false and selfish and small-minded in human nature, in ourselves and in others----but at the same time, we have a glimpse of something in Mankind that is glorious and fine and generous, a part of All That Is. Those are "look alike, sound alike" fakes promoted as a means to confuse and co-opt genuine efforts to put an end to this. Property The Power of the Paperwork -- Private v. Public Ownership, The Great Fraud of Today Part One: The Corruption of the Judicial Branch, Educate Yourself - The Differences Between Common Law & Maritime Law & What They Are,, Roll Call! (back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea). You won't pay "Federal Income Taxes" anymore. As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] andThe United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets. Department of Treasury at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above), Slaves cant own property. The first of these, known as the Territorial United States, seized hold of the copyright of your name on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, and then used that as a means to seize upon all your other property, too. It's all fraud. Straw Man - Birth Certificates Admiralty Law It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. Long Form Birth Certificate June 2020 And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went. and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government. Its been a long time coming for me to feel confident enough to start sharing this information with you guys because I was EXREAMLY nervous that I was UNDERST. The American States Assembly The Birth Certificate will have your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. CQV Act 1666 Reclaim Ownership of Your Name. The straw man was created by law shortly after you were born via the registration of the application for your birth certificate. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. Instead, foreigners can have a long-term lease here and be tenants. If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE Organization. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS - Straw Man The men we are dealing with naturally see it --- and use it---for the exact opposite purposes. Citizenship Chart They excused this Breach of Trust after the bogus "Civil War" ---which was never a war, but an illegal commercial action on our shores--- in the name of Public Safety to ensure the peace after the "rebels" were defeated. Time to remind them all of all of the above. Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated "governmental services". We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work --- a government to protect you and your family. The most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but rather the, . "Freedom from Government; How to Reclaim Your Power" is your handbook for dealing with government on your terms. January 2020 They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. Two layers of "government organizations" have placed these ugly claims on your name and estate. See the enclosed Final Re-Assignment: 2019-011557-3, UCC Financing Statement Amendment, Recording District 500, UCC Central File. Without going into all the complexities, the basis of the strawman concept is a belief that somehow the United States government has "mortgaged" its citizens to the International Monetary Fund in return for a sizeable cash sum. Identity Trap We are putting our time and money into it. Lawful Person Vs. Legal Person Either way, you arrived first and have first right of recall and ownership, known as a reversionary trust interest in your own Good Name and assets. See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here: Do you own your own name? The Expatriation Act of July 1868 allows you to sign an Act of State and go back to your original status as an American born on the land of an actual state of the Union. September 2017, All The subrogation of your rights When London burned the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. A servitude, usu. We are doing our "job". Think of how hideous and unlawful the entire concept is. This created a separation between their "person" operated as "RUSSELL JAY GOULD" or "RUSSELL J. GOULD" and his newly created persons "Russell-Jay:Gould" and "Russell-J:Gould". There have just been administrators. Learning about your legal fiction helps you to unlock yourself. Much less two? Russell is a righteous man, so he naturally sees the Truth in PARSE. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are Department of the Treasury. No money exists to pay debt. Let this also stand for the record of the entire world that all such bogus Cestui Que Vie ESTATES are dissolved upon their discovery, together with their derivatives, and all beneficial intellectual and material rights, titles, and interests return to the living people to whom these assets naturally belong. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that New York City is the capital of the World. For once, he told the truth. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! Step One Complete.. Now What? A properly translated PARSE deed serves notice to the vermin that the jig is up and that you know what they are doing. Georgia, you will note, is not the "State of Georgia" nor the "STATE OF GEORGIA" nor "THE State of Georgia" nor "GEORGIA" nor any other version of this corporate franchise naming scheme they can dream up. It is an Eternal Shame that any Church has colluded to Dishonor the Covenant between Mankind and our Creator. Britain is owned by the Vatican. But what if your government doesn't protect you? Having discovered this "mistake" made by your Mother when you were just a baby in your cradle, you have a right to come forward and correct it upon discovery. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Presidential Documents Volume 24-No. "DOE, JOHN MARK" is totally expendable for any reason or no reason at all. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. The vermin responsible for all this fraud and rot have had a long tradition of using "Federal Code" --- think of actual coded language as in "Code Book" --- combined with "Legal-ese", the language of the lawyers, both of which attach special uncommon meanings to common words to form coded communications which are then used to defraud innocent Americans. London 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. A Must Watch, inform yourself on enslavement by the Vatican and Bankers through your birth certificate! Claim Your Strawman Throw it out. C.J.S. As I recently discussed--- one enterprising American found his way out of the their maze by creating a new name for himself using (arguably) correct grammar principals as his justification. Pulling them up by their own bootstraps and with prejudice is the order of the day. We all need to become very much more aware of the "occupation" of the U.S. Army and the misconduct that has gone on in the international jurisdiction since the so-called American Civil War. What else does the Birth Certificate represent? American state nationals don't require or use marriage licenses. Admission of their corruption can be viewed on the televised London Winter Olympics footage, which shows those responsible parading in hooded robes around the giant effigy of a Dead Baby, much to the amazement and consternation of the rest of the world, which was left wondering.? It can no longer be mistaken for an unidentified Foreign Situs Trust. Then you provide certified copies of your recorded Deed of Reconveyance, etc. Content stands on its own as a basic intro to Strawman concepts and the UCC; and Bibi's teaching style. how to reclaim your strawman uk. The application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 Form. You have our consent and direction to shut down the Municipal COURT System pending resolution of this Mess, and also our direction to shut down all registration of land assets in this country and further, to disregard and invalidate all Dead Letters of Administration being used to authorize probate administration of the fraudulently constructed Dead Baby estates. Pl. You still have to learn how to use these documents in your defense and be able to describe this whole circumstance, but taken together they form a competent rebuttal and evidence trail removing you from any "US citizenship" status, and returning you to your rightful status as an American State National. March 2019 In the days to come, I recommend that everyone work hard to take advantage of the "exits" that still exist in the standing law, working backwards to (1) claim and record your Common Law copyright to your name however it is styled, ordered, formed, or expressed, and then (2) issuing an Act of Expatriation and recording that as a Deed with the State Secretary of State. Do you see what's missing? Straw-man 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. And they have hired troupes of actors wearing black robes and mercenaries wearing your own uniforms, waving your own flags, using your own money and assets to enforce these slave-owner claims against you. Threats and intimidation to gain control or prevent resistance; esp.,, actio (ak-shee-oh alsoak-tee-oh), n. [Latin]1. You are supposed to be self-governing. September 2019 If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. Foreign Situs Trust Instead, they've been colluding to evade their obligations under the Constitutions. You are (1) a living man, naturally having a (2) Lawful Person (Your Proper Name) and living on the land and soil of (3) your State of the Union. Literally. BUT SHOULD,, THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE MAKES A PERSON PROPERTY OF THE CORPORATION SINCEThe Act of 1871,, How to lawfully how to sign & remove your signature from any contract, Microsoft Word - FINAL JUDGMENT AND CIVIL ORDERS with Finalized Addendums.doc, HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY,, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means, Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording, British Territorial United States Citizen, Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT, How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract. You cant get called without swearing this allegiance. Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you? As a result, all our mothers were admitted as patients and gave birth to a dead "person" carrying our Given Names. three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed to deny thechildforever any rights ofReal Property, any Rights as a FreePersonand any Rights to be known as man and woman rather than a creature oranimal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit. Civil Rights 18, 20, 2324, 34, 3940.]2. These offenses against God and Man require swift and determined action, but this fraud has been going on a long time and many people think that their personal profit is tied up in preserving this system; many more continue to mistake it as something "American" when its not. So where you have commerce and money, you also have justice and injury. [Latin the servitude of driving cattle] Roman law., Join Us for Our Weekly Webinar Every Monday at 5 pm Alaska - 6 pm Pacific - 7 pm Mountain - 8 pm Central- 9 pm Eastern, UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE, How to Correct Your Political Status and Why, CORPORATIONS CANNOT BE SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENTS, Step by Step Emancipation - Sample - Anna Von Reitz, THE TOP TEN ARTICLES FOR RAPID ASSISTANCE. Pirates. Brith Certificate Fraud YOUR STRAWMAN- reclaiming your sovereignty! Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT The federal vermin have to recognize your claims, because their own claims depend on your land claims: without a land jurisdiction, they don't have a delegated sea jurisdiction. But did you or your Mother ever knowingly and willingly give them the right to use your name, steal your identity, use you as chattel backing their debts, or any of this other nonsense? Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means Correct Your Political Status I have 2 birth certificates my UK BC CERTIFICATE, THOUGHT ID LOST IT. The straw man is an artificial person. By 1815 and thebankruptcyof theCrownandBankof England by the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom becameassetsplaced in private banks effectively becoming private trusts or Fide Commissary Trusts administered by commissioners (guardians). Ch 214 page 654), 4. The only valid and actionable solution is to reclaim your True Trust using your . i, a man: be not Dead and Lost at SEE. HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY It is to the eternal shame of the Holy See and to the British Empire that any such situation exists and that average Americans are being imposed upon to correct the Bad Faith and Errors of these Subcontractors run amok on our shores and elsewhere throughout the world. October 2018 If you look at Title V, Sections 501, 502, you will see that the British Territorial Government literally sells its "Citizens" for a stipulated price. class-based animus. ---- recognize how arbitrary, false, and silly most of this is, like a children's game played in deadly earnest by adults. Nor did anybody tell them what a 'Legal Fiction' or 'Strawman' is or how it can be used AGAINST their baby. This establishes the fact that you re the certificated owner/operator of the VESSELS. However, as theEstateis held in a Temporary not permanent. of another because some event,stateofaffairsor condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and present before a competent authority. Colonel Edward Mandell House Now look at the dates on the face of the Birth Certificate. That alone is a giant step forward toward honesty and truth in commerce. When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards. August 2018 247), 30. ? I cannot stress enough that this whole circumstance is a process --- not a single step, but many steps. You are not under contract to the Civil [Municipal] Government. Birth certificates, social security cards, driver's licenses, tax forms, etc., therefore, represent only the shell corporate identity, the strawman, This traces back to 1666, London is an Independent City State, just like Vatican is an Independent City State, just like Washington DC is an Independent City State. It is also to the eternal shame of the Bar Associations, their members, and the Judiciary that has aided and abetted the enforcement of this criminal fraud scheme to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of basic decency and justice. There have NOT been any judges in America since 1789. According to Russell, this is their new backdoor trick. Thanks to guile, betrayal, self-interest, and Breach of Trust by both the Queen and the Pope, we have been bubbling along, deliberately left unaware of the external circumstance and all the many, many lies that these subcontractors have been telling the world about us and the false claims they have been making against us and our assets ever since. See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: You Know Something is Wrong When..: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, Additional Information Provided to President Donald Trump and Members of His Cabinet Regarding The Dead Baby Scam. Intention. It is evidence of crime against you and fraud and non-disclosure against your mother. Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 January 2019

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